How to install specific version of Node.js on RedHat-based Linux

Solutions to install any versions of Node.js on a RedHat-based Linux, including RedHat, Fedora, Oracle Linux and Centos.

Quynh Nguyen
2 min readJan 11, 2021

Installing latest version of a specific Node.js stream

The latest Long-Term-Support (LTS) version of Node.js can be installed to RedHat-based Linux using the dnf package manager:

dnf module -y install nodejs:<stream>

where <stream> corresponds a major LTS version of Node.js, e.g. 10, 12 or 14. You can list the available streams using:

dnf module list nodejs

This method will only allow you to install the latest LTS versions, e.g. at the time of writing

  • v8.17.0 for Node.js 8
  • v10.23.1 for Node.js 10
  • v12.20.1 for Node.js 12
  • v14.15.4 for Node.js 14

If you want to install a specific version of Node.js, you need to be more involved.

Installing any Node.js version

This is the magic script that will install any Node.js version you like into your Linux machine:

yum install -y gityum install -y makecurl -L --output n-installchmod +x n-installyes y | ./n-install$HOME/n/bin/n <version> yum clean all

where <version> can be:

  • Any Node.js version, e.g. 15.5.1 or 8.16.0
  • Any major version of Node.js, e.g. 13, 14 or 15. In this case, the latest version of the major version will be installed.

Let’s explain the magic:

  • yum install -y git to install git command line on the machine. The -y option tells yum to answer yes to the questions being asked during installation.
  • Similarly, yum install -y make is to install make.
  • curl -L --output n-install is download n, a Node.js version manager. The -L option tells curl to accept URL redirect. --output option allows the result to be saved into a file.
  • chmod +x n-install allows n-install to be executable.
  • yes y | ./n-install execute n-install and say yes to question asked during the installation process.
  • With n installed on the machine, $HOME/n/bin/n <version> will install any version of Node.js.

Have fun with Node.js!



Quynh Nguyen
Quynh Nguyen

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